Exhibit at VERTICON
(formerly HAI HELI-EXPO)
Exhibitor Rates
Standard Display
10′ x 10′ unit
VAI Member: $3,400
for each unit
Nonmember: $4,900 for each unit
Static Display
20′ x 40′ unit
VAI Member: $4,050 for each unit
$3,050 if standard display is also reserved
Nonmember: $5,550 for each unit
Turnkey exhibit space within VERTICON CONNECT, booth 7402.
3-day Rate
VAI Member: $3,400 per pod
Nonmember: $4,900
Daily Rate (Applies only to Small Business section)
VAI Member: $1,400 per day, per pod
Nonmember: $1,900 per day, per pod
An exhibit hall must be laid out so as to facilitate the flow of traffic of attendees and to provide an overall balance to the hall while addressing the locations of utility ports, columns, fire marshal regulations, facility move-in/move-out door sizes and locations, and other restrictions. VAI reserves the right to assign space subject to these parameters and to relocate a booth should unforeseen circumstances arise.
Booth space applications must be received by Dec. 20, 2024, in order for the exhibiting company to be included in the VERTICON 2025 Program & Exhibit Guide.
Assignment of Space
Booth space applications must be received by Dec. 20, 2024, in order for the exhibiting company to be included in the VERTICON 2025 Program & Exhibit Guide.
Anchor Exhibitors
VAI has identified three VERTICON anchor exhibitors: Airbus, Bell, and Leonardo. Each of these companies has exceeded 10,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space on an annual basis for many years. Therefore, these three companies will be placed first within the exhibit hall assignments, on a yearly rotational schedule.

To qualify for future anchor designation, a company must exceed 10,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space for a minimum of two consecutive years.
Lotteries 1 & 2 / After-Lottery Assignments
The majority of other VERTICON booth assignments is determined by two separate lotteries. VAI uses this system to ensure that booths are equitably assigned among exhibitors.
Outside of the lottery deadlines (Jun. 28, 2024, for Lottery 1 and Aug. 28, 2024, for Lottery 2) and after-lottery guidelines stated below, the date on which VAI receives your application holds no bearing on your booth placement. Once you are ranked by the lottery, your booth preference requests and other details of location preference are given full consideration, subject to your position in the lottery.
To be eligible to participate in Lottery 1, exhibitors must submit their application with 50% payment by the Jun. 28 deadline. For Lottery 2, exhibitors must submit their application with 50% payment by the Aug. 28 deadline. In the after-lottery assignment process, exhibitors must include full payment with their application for space, and space will be assigned in the order in which applications are received.
Confirmation of space assignments for Lottery 1 will be sent to exhibitor contacts beginning Jul. 31, 2024, starting with Stage 1. Subsequent stages will follow. All Lottery 1 booth confirmations will be sent out by Aug. 28.
Confirmation of space assignments for Lottery 2 will be sent to exhibitor contacts beginning Sep. 27, 2024.
All other confirmations will be forwarded as quickly as possible after booth assignment.
Lottery Details
In all stages, exhibiting companies are treated equally, and the placement sequence is determined randomly.
Lottery 1 is open to all companies that exhibited at HAI HELI-EXPO 2024 in Anaheim, California. To be considered for Lottery 1 (Stages 1–4), companies must submit their applications, with 50% payment, by Jun. 28, 2024. Lottery 1 has four stages:
Lottery 1, Stage 1:
- Exhibitors with a minimum of 2,500 sq. ft. AND/OR
- Companies that have secured a minimum of $40,000 in sponsorships and/or advertising (electronic or print) between Jul. 1, 2023, and Jun. 28, 2024.
Lottery 1, Stage 2:
- Exhibitors with a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft. AND/OR
- Companies that have secured a minimum of $10,000 in sponsorships and/or advertising (electronic or print) between Jul. 1, 2023, and Jun. 28, 2024.
Lottery 1, Stage 3:
- Exhibitors with fewer than 1,200 sq. ft.
Lottery 1, Stage 4:
- Exhibitors with static displays (visit verticon.org/booth-types to learn more).
Lottery 2 is open to any company that wishes to exhibit and returns the application with 50% payment by Aug. 28, 2024.
Lottery 2 has three stages:
Lottery 2, Stage 1
- Exhibitors with a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft. or larger.
Lottery 2, Stage 2
- Exhibitors with fewer than 1,200 sq. ft.
Lottery 2, Stage 3
- Exhibitors with static displays (visit verticon.org/booth-types to learn more).
Lottery space applications received after Aug. 28, 2024, will be considered for placement on the floor after all Lottery 2 exhibitors have been placed. Such applications will be assigned space in the order in which they are received.
Applications for space must be received by Dec. 20, 2024, to be included in the VERTICON 2025 Program & Exhibit Guide.