Exhibit at VERTICON
(formerly HAI HELI-EXPO)
Booth Types
Find the booth that best suits your needs.

Image for visual reference only. Walls and podium are not included in standard booth space.
Standard Booths
Standard booths are 10 ft. × 10 ft. (approximately 3.05 m × 3.05 m) or multiples thereof, unless otherwise indicated. Standard booths include standard framing materials; fabric backdrop, 8 ft. in height; draped divider rails, 3 ft. in height; and a standard booth identification sign bearing the exhibitor’s name. Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all exhibits. Carpet can be rented or provided on your own. If you’re providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space.

Island Booths
Island booths are 20 ft. × 20 ft. or larger. Island booths are open on all four sides. The height restriction for island booths is 20 ft. Booth designs can use the entire cubic space up to the 20 ft. height restriction. Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all exhibits. Carpet can be rented or provided on your own. If you’re providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space.

Back-to-Back 20′ x 20′ Booths
Some exhibitors need more depth than 10 ft. but their displays (pop-up booths and other configurations) won’t work within the regulations of an island display. To help these exhibitors and the overall look of the show, we’ve created back-to-back 20 ft. × 20 ft. exhibit spaces. These spaces better allow for a back wall design, which will extend the full 20 ft. width but are restricted to 16 ft. in height without prior written approval from VAI Show Management. Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all exhibits. Carpet can be rented or provided on your own. If you’re providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space.
Pods are turnkey exhibit spaces within the VERTICON Connect booth (#7402).
A pod includes a kiosk with seating and company name displayed, lockable storage, one electric connection and a graphic.
Pods must occupied during all show days and hours, as a normal exhibit space.
Small Business Pods: If your company qualifies as a small business, a pod can be rented at a daily rate.
Planned sections:
- Small Business
- Emerging Technology
- Maintenance
- International
Double-Deck and Covered Booths
Please contact VAI Show Management for special regulations pertaining to these exhibits and suitable locations. Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all exhibits. Carpet can be rented or provided on your own. If you’re providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space. Booth designs for double-deck and covered booths must be submitted to VAI Show Management for review and approval.
Peninsula Booths
Also known as end-cap configurations, exhibits that are contiguous with 10 ft. × 10 ft. in-line displays but that span the end of an aisle aren’t available unless a space suited only to that configuration becomes available. Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all exhibits. Carpet can be rented or provided on your own. If you’re providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space.
Static Booths
Static displays will be located inside the convention center. Assignments are subject to space availability. Static area is for the display of aircraft or the display or demonstration of other products. Examples include water buckets, tug/tow equipment, vehicles, and flight simulators. Three-foot draped divider rails for corners of the static space may be provided by request to VAI Show Management. Tables are allowed for the display of promotional materials only and may not exceed 3 ft. in height within 5 ft. of an aisle. Standard chairs are allowed. One sign per static space will be allowed but cannot exceed 6 ft. in height x 2 ft. in width. Absolutely no other furniture, lounges, floral, office units, back walls or sidewalls, or audiovisual will be allowed. Carpet, floor covering, overhead/hanging signage, and specialty lighting won’t be permitted in static booths. There will be no exceptions.
The above guidelines will be strictly enforced. VAI Show Management has the right to request that any nonstandard or excessive display items be removed immediately. Noncompliance by an exhibitor will result in complete removal of the exhibit or an increase in booth cost to standard booth pricing.
VERTICON 2025 will have pavilions on the show floor dedicated to new product/service categories. These areas will be marked with an overhead banner and matching aisle carpet to distinguish them from the rest of the floor. We hope this will make it easier for attendees to find particular products/services in which they are interested.
First-Time and New Product VERTICON Exhibitor Pavilions: New to VERTICON? Have a new product you want to showcase? We’ll have a pavilion area designated for first-time exhibitors and new products. Show Management will provide standard carpet in a predetermined color for this area. Exhibitors do not need to order or provide carpet in this area, as it is provided by VAI.
If you’re interested in being a part of any of these pavilions, indicate this in your application for space in the booth preference field. For more information email Verticon@verticalavi.org with the following subject line: VERTICON 2025 Pavilions.
Note: Companies that fall into one of the above categories don’t have to participate in a pavilion area. Pavilion booth spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A pavilion requires a minimum of 800 sq. ft. A pavilion area may be canceled if there isn’t enough participation.