Exhibit at VERTICON
(formerly HAI HELI-EXPO)
Booth Guidelines
Booth Height Restrictions
The maximum height allowed for each exhibit structure varies by booth type and location. Refer to the list below to determine the maximum height allowed for your booth type.
- Linear Booths: height restriction of 8 ft.
- Perimeter Booths: height restriction of 12 ft.
- Island Booths: height restriction of 20 ft.
For more information on booth configurations, visit the Booth Types page.
A booth variance may be granted at the sole discretion of VAI Show Management. Exhibitors must submit a booth variance request form by Feb. 7, 2025, regardless of whether one was issued in previous years.
Booth Variances
Exhibitors with designs that are outside VAI’s booth guidelines can request a booth variance by submitting a detailed booth diagram with dimensions. Requests for a booth variance must be submitted via a booth variance request form by Feb. 7, 2025. Approvals will be given via email within five to seven business days.
Mark on your diagram the exact height and width of your booth structure and hanging sign. Clearly indicate the height of all levels on double-deck booths. All communication about booth designs must be in English and measurements given in feet/inches.
If the actual structure on-site differs significantly from the diagram submitted with the booth variance request form, you may be required to alter it, at your expense, or, if suitable space is available, the exhibit will be moved at your expense.
Note: Any approval granted for booth variances are valid for VERTICON 2025 only. Your designs, if necessary, should still be submitted to the fire marshal and a structural engineer for their approval, per the rules of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, as outlined in the Exhibitor Services Kit.
Pop-up structures should be positioned to minimize visibility of unfinished backs. If not, masking drape ordered by show management will be required for all unfinished booths.
Storage behind pop-up structures isn’t permitted. Storing a limited supply of literature or product appropriately within the booth area is acceptable if the items don’t impede access to utility services, create a safety problem, or look unsightly.
Line-of-Sight Guidelines
VAI reserves the right to determine what constitutes a “reasonable” sight line. All booths, regardless of size or type, should be designed in such a way that eliminates line-of-sight obstructions from one exhibit to the next. Exhibitors are asked to take their neighboring exhibitors’ sight lines into consideration.
Additional Guidelines
Linear Booths. Exhibit sidewalls may be as high as 8 ft. but shall extend only 5 ft. from the back wall. Any display material over 3 ft. in height may not extend more than 5 ft., measured from the back wall of the booth to the front of the booth, in order to permit a clear view from booth to booth. Rare exceptions to these rules may be granted by VAI Show Management, in its sole discretion, depending in part on booth location, but exceptions shall only be permitted with prior written approval from VAI Show Management.
Static Booths. Static area is for the display of aircraft or the display or demonstration of other products. Examples include water buckets, tug/tow equipment, vehicles, and flight simulators. Three-foot draped divider rails for corners of the static space may be provided by request to VAI Show Management. Tables are allowed for the display of promotional materials only and may not exceed 3 ft. in height within 5 ft. of an aisle. Standard chairs are allowed. One sign per static space will be allowed but cannot exceed 6 ft. in height x 2 ft. in width. Absolutely no other furniture, lounges, floral, office units, back walls or sidewalls, or audiovisual will be allowed. Carpet, floor covering, overhead/hanging signage, and specialty lighting won’t be permitted in static booths. There will be no exceptions.
Installation Hours
Exhibitors seeking special consideration for early move-in should submit requests in writing to Verticon@verticalavi.org. Don’t make plans for early move-in until GES approves the request and confirms a date and time for move-in.
Please note that after 4:30 pm central, the official closing of setup on move-in days, anyone exiting the exhibit hall won’t be allowed to reenter until the following day, even if permission has been granted to work later.
In the event any exhibit isn’t fully assembled and operational by the posted time, VAI reserves the right to remove all exhibit material and repossess all rights to the exhibit space. The exhibitor won’t be entitled to any refund for such space. VAI assumes no responsibility for items removed from unoccupied booths. Absolutely no aircraft are to be moved into the aisles until the aisle carpet has been rolled up. Exhibits may not be dismantled before 4:00 pm central on the final day of the show. Early dismantling may result in a fine and ineligibility for future lottery drawings.
Floor Covering
Carpet and/or alternative floor covering is required in all booths, excluding static booths. Carpet can be rented through GES or provided on your own. If you are providing your own, the carpet or floor covering must fit the full dimensions of the booth space. Carpet will be installed by Show Management at the exhibitor’s expense if the booth is without carpeting and/or alternate floor covering at 4 pm central, Mon., Mar. 10, 2025.
Installation and Dismantling
To ensure orderly and efficient installation, operation, and removal of displays, VAI has designated Global Experience Specialists (GES) as its general service contractor for VERTICON 2025. The Exhibitor Services Kit contains all necessary forms and instructions for ordering audiovisual equipment, carpeting, cleaning services, display rentals, floral services, furniture, labor, photography, telephones, utility services, and other show services. Information on fire regulations and instructions on freight handling are also included.
Other than those taken by VAI Show Management, no photography or videotaping of any kind will be allowed without advance written permission from VAI Show Management. No photographing or videotaping of exhibit booths may be done without the advance written permission of both VAI Show Management and the exhibit representative of the booth. In no event should pictures be taken of unoccupied booths.
Photographers and their equipment must not at any time block aisles on the show floor.
VAI plans to take photographs and film footage at VERTICON 2025 and may reproduce same in VAI educational, news, and promotional materials, whether in print, electronic, or other media, including but not limited to the VAI or other websites. By submission of an application for space or by participation in VERTICON 2025, exhibitors agree to grant VAI, at no charge to VAI, the right to use for such purposes the exhibitor’s name, likenesses of its exhibit, likenesses of the exhibitor’s booth staff, or biographical information about the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s booth staff.
VAI will hire 24-hour security services for the duration of the exposition, but in doing so, VAI assumes no liability for providing this service. It remains the ultimate responsibility of exhibitors to protect their property. Further, all goods stored with Show Security are stored at exhibitors’ own risk. VAI and hired security aren’t liable for any injury, damage, loss, theft, or destruction; for direct, consequential, or incidental damages; or for loss of profit due to failure to obtain or turn over goods at any particular time or place whatsoever.
Exhibitors should arrange in advance for such protection and insurance as they deem appropriate. Exhibitors agree to ensure that their employees and agents comply with all rules regarding security deemed appropriate by VAI. Exhibitors may hire additional security personnel for their exhibit booths. Costs for such additional security personnel will be borne solely by the exhibitor.
Container Inspection
All cartons, boxes, packages, and containers brought into or taken from the exhibit hall are subject to inspection.
Exhibit Hall Specifications
Exhibit hall specifications, as provided by the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas are as follows:
Halls A–F.
Child Attendee Policy
No one under the age of 18 is allowed on the show floor during move-in/move-out times. No exceptions.
Booth Catering
As stated in the VERTICON 2025 Rules and Regulations, no exhibitor shall bring into the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD) any food or beverage of any kind whatsoever, without the prior written consent of VAI and the KBHCCD. Exhibitors must follow all policies of the KBHCCD and its catering vendor. Please contact VAI Show Management for catering menus and order forms. Catering must be staged within an exhibitor’s booth space and must not block any aisles.
Booth Events
Any events held during pre- or postshow hours must be preapproved in writing by VAI Show Management. Exhibitors must hire the necessary security for any events that occur outside of show hours. Booth events must be held within an exhibitor’s booth space and must not block any aisles. Exhibitors wishing to hold events must submit a booth event request form to VAI Show Management by Mar. 1, 2025.