Helpful Contacts
Vertical Aviation International
1920 Ballenger Ave., 4th Flr.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: +1 703 683 4646
Fax: +1 703 683 4745
Contact Person | Service |
Charlotte Zilke, CEM, CMP, DES Sr. Director of Membership & Conventions Email: CharlotteZ@verticalavi.org | Overall management |
Tanya Kirchner Director, Conventions Email: TanyaK@verticalavi.org | Exhibitor and attendee registration, promo codes |
Emily Monahan Manager, Exhibits & Experience Email: EmilyM@verticalavi.org | Booth assignments, booth relocation requests, booth variances, EACs, exhibitor regulations and policies |
Zac Noble Director, Flight Operations & Maintenance Email: ZacN@verticalavi.org | Aircraft fly-ins |
Erin Sweeney Exhibits Specialist Email: ErinS@verticalavi.org | Publication bins, sponsorship fulfillment, booth assignments, booth relocation requests |
Alyssa Miller Conventions Coordinator Email: AlyssaM@verticalavi.org | Exhibitor meeting rooms |
Wayne O’Brien Finance Manager Email: WayneO@verticalavi.org | VAI invoices, receipts, payments |
The Wyman Company Email: Sales@verticalavi.org | Advertising, booth sales, sponsorships |
Global Experience Specialists (GES)
Phone: +1 800 801 7648
International: +1 702 515 5970
Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 4:00 pm Pacific
Contact Person | Service |
Customer Service/Orders Email: info@ges.com Website: ges.com/contact | Carpet, furniture, labor, electrical, plumbing, etc. |
Amy Ellis Sr. Strategic Client Services Manager Email: aellis@ges.com | Overall management |
Sandy Velilla Client Services Manager Email: svelilla@ges.com | Sponsorships |
Tammy Vanhooser Phone: 714-412-4136 Email: tvanhooser@ges.com | Rigging |
Eric Birdsell Phone: 770-294-2506 Email: ebirdsell@ges.com | Trucked-in aircraft |
Don Reeves Phone: 469-278-3027 Email: doreeves@ges.com | Freight management |