Exhibitor FAQs
1. Exhibitor Booth Space
How much does it cost to exhibit?
Exhibit rates are listed on the Rates & Assignment of Space page. To exhibit at the member rate, join VAI today! Your company must hold a company membership in VAI to receive the member rate. If you have questions, please contact the Membership department at +1 703 683 4646 or Member@verticalavi.org.
I sent in my Application for Space. Did you receive it?
Your company’s Exhibitor Contact should have received immediate confirmation that we received your application for space. If not, please email Verticon@verticalavi.org.
When will I receive my booth assignment?
You will receive your booth placement via email within five to seven business days of receipt of booth application and payment.
Can I pick my booth space over the phone?
No; booth assignments are only made once an online application for space has been submitted and payment has been made.
What if I don’t like my booth assignment?
If you don’t like your location once you receive your booth assignment confirmation, please email Verticon@verticalavi.org with the subject line “Relocate Booth – 2025 – Your Company Name.” Please include updated booth preferences.
Where is my booth located?
To find your company’s booth location, visit the Interactive Floor Plan.
What is included in booth space?
Standard booths come with 8 ft. of pipe and drape and an identification sign with your company name. Exhibitors are responsible for all additional costs, including but not limited to carpeting, furniture, material handling, electrical, etc.
Please note: booth spaces MUST be carpeted.
How many booth personnel badges do I receive?
Exhibitors receive four complimentary booth personnel badges for every 100 sq. ft. of standard booth space and two complimentary booth personnel badges for every 800 sq. ft. of static space, up to a maximum of 60 complimentary badges. Once you exceed your complimentary allotment, you may purchase additional exhibitor badges. Exhibitor badges are to be distributed to company employees only.
What are Exhibitor registration hours?
- Saturday, March 8 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
- Sunday, March 9 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
- Monday, March 10 7:30 am – 7:30 pm
- Tuesday, March 11 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
- Wednesday, March 12 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
- Thursday, March 13 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Can I sell products in my booth?
As stated in No. 17 of the Rules & Regulations, “Selling on the show floor (payment received and product or service delivered on-site) is prohibited except where specifically authorized in writing by VAI Show Management in advance. The exhibitor bears sole responsibility, including cost, for obtaining all licenses and permits necessary for conducting such business in the state and locality in which the show is being held.”
I have not received any confirmation or other information regarding the show.
Much of VERTICON 2025 information is sent by email to your company’s exhibitor contact. Make sure that Verticon@verticalavi.org is on your exhibitor contact’s safe list so that your company receives these important updates. Please email Verticon@verticalavi.org if the exhibitor contact for your company has changed.
How can I get in touch with GES and show appointed vendors?
Contact information for all VERTICON 2025 vendors is listed on the Helpful Contacts page.