Industry Careers
Each year, the international vertical aviation industry gathers at VERTICON. So, what better place to explore career options or find your next hire?
In addition to the many educational opportunities available, VERTICON offers two events specifically focused on career development:
- The Mil2Civ Workshop provides military pilots, maintainers, and other military members valuable information on making the transition to the civil vertical aviation industry.
- The VAI Vertical Aviation Industry Career Fair connects job seekers, recruiters, and those looking to network.
Read on to learn more about these two career development events at VERTICON.
We will have a brochure ready closer to the show; please check back here or on the VAI Events app for more info closer to the show date!
Mil2Civ: Landing Jobs in the Civil Vertical Aviation Industry
Mon., Mar. 10, 2025 | 12:00 pm–6:00 pm
Location: Ballroom D
A successful career in military aviation doesn’t easily translate into the commercial sector. You need to know several things NOW to prepare for a successful transition into civil aviation.
Attendees of this presentation will benefit from advice about, and mentoring in, skills and practices that can lead to a successful civil aviation career. You’ll get tips from those who’ve made the transition successfully. Several pros from the civil vertical aviation industry, most of whom are prior military, will present their lessons learned on topics including:
- Logging PIC and flight times in accordance with FAA rules
- Writing an aviation resume and nailing the interview
- Avoiding common stumbling points for military aviators in the commercial industry
- Practicing the essential art of networking.
Special breakout sessions for maintainers will be included.
Admission to Mil2Civ is FREE, but attendees must sign up in advance.
Note: admission to VERTICON requires a separate registration.
VAI Vertical Aviation Industry Career Fair
Tue., Mar. 11, 2025 | 10:30 am–5:00 pm
Location: Ballroom D
Attend HeliSuccess Career Development presentations during the job fair which may include presentations on Resumes, Flying Offshore Oil Support, Flying Tours, Flying Air Ambulance.
For Job Seekers
If you’re planning to attend the career fair as a job seeker, please treat the career fair as a job interview: bring an up-to-date resume, dress appropriately, and be prepared to discuss your accomplishments and goals.
Resume reviewers will be available for consultation, and you will have the opportunity to print an updated copy of your resume on-site.
Admission to the career fair is FREE, but attendees must sign up in advance.
Note: admission to VERTICON requires a separate registration.
Job Seekers: Register for the Career Fair HERE
For Recruiting Organizations
Enrolling as a recruiting organization in the VAI Industry Career Fair puts your organization in front of thousands of qualified aviation professionals. Booth spaces are limited! Reservations for space will be taken in the order in which they are received.
Recruiting space at the career fair is available only to VAI members who are current on their dues. (If you’re not a member, consider joining VAI today to take advantage of this and other member benefits.)
The cost for each booth at the career fair is US$800. Discounts are available, however, for VAI member organizations that have reserved and paid in full for standard and/or static display space on the VERTICON 2025 show. The discounted rate is US$450 per career fair booth.
Note: participation as a recruiting organization in the career fair does not grant or imply admission to VERTICON 2025 or any related events where registration is required. Admission to VERTICON as either an attendee or an exhibitor requires a separate registration.
Recruiting Organizations: Register for the Career Fair HERE!